Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Le blog est disparu. Elegy for a missing blog. The goat ate it.

One is never alone.
Dennis Cooper lost his blog. *
Ou' est le blog?
The Google Goat ate it.

Dark Matter. The Black Hole of Blogs

Gee, is there nothing he can do to get it  back?
It might not have been pretty.
Maybe subject matter dicey? Ranty?
Sometimes its assemblage mechanism burped?

Blog defined as metaphor: A blog is a cobbler's bench.

But did you have to take it?
See? It just took some working on. That was good, solid wood, mostly.

Lots of people sat on that seat, the better to find what they were looking for.

Cobbler: Needs a strong seat. Takes constant repair.

There were places to store things, as Dennis cobbled his ideas together.

Blog as analogy: Like a storage place.

Dennis had it the way he liked it.

Cobbler's bench: This one parses, to put on the mule to go to the next farm.

See that clamp?

Cobbler's bench. Cobbling a blog. Hold things firm with a stirrup clamp, while the monkey chases the weasel.

That clamp's for linking.
Did Dennis link?
Linking -- to self, or elsewhere.
Helps people vet, check.
Connect ideas while giving credit
To other cobblers who came before.

There's the linker clamp.
All ready to be plugged in.
Is Dennis' fun, and seriousness, so incomprehensible
To The Powers?

Algorithm Execution Committee

If the Algorithm Execution Committee didn't like the linking,
Or the topics,
Dennis could have taken it out, right? Rather than be forfeit?

Equity abhors a forfeiture.
Oh, dear. Ab-hor.
Methinks that will that trigger the very thing protested.
Will it?

There they sit. They know nothing real about blogger people,
Just stats and algorithms. They don't care
About BST -- blood, sweat and tears in creating something
Important to the person.
If there is harm alleged, let it be excised, that's all.
Profit. Just profit.

So: No notice, so he could move or change it.
Just poof.

Poof goes the blog.

Just like mine.
Have to look elsewhere for my Slovakia Road Ways.
With the s.
This? A truncated peek at pique.
Slovakia Road Way. Plus ca change.
Go seek. It's far more boring.

Still liked the old one.

How to keep the algorithm goats 
In an appropriate and accountable pen.

Still with us? 
We kept on going, ourselves, yes, we did.
We do have a verification code for our successor at http://www.slovakiaroadways.wordpress.com.  Putting it up now.  [google6049c1b6618e295c.html]


*  There. Just looked it up. See DC's Blog.  Fate?  See  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/30/opinion/sunday/the-blog-that-disappeared.html?_r=0

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