Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Creativity in Slovakia: From Currency to Bojnice Castle

Creativity:  A Fragile Thing 
Slovakia's Gift for Narrative, Theater, Celebration

In Slovakia, creativity has been periodically tamped down, as invasions, wars, politics, overcame people's lives.  Creativity nonetheless showed in surprising ways -- including in its currency before the Euro, as well as in its celebrations for families and young people dramatizing history.  Cash, and a castle.

Bojnice Castle is the site of a summer festival not far from Bratislava (the capital on the Danube) including young people acting out a different aspect of the castle history each year. Its presentation is creative and educational. And family-friendly.

I.  Creativity and the currency. 

Our main site has indeed moved, but old ideas linger.  One last post.  Perhaps more.  I do love Slovakia.  I am trying to find the original currency bills so I can research who is on them.

II.  Slovakian Creativity and The Castle.  

Bojnice Castle is romantic from afar. In 1385, one Juras Leustach took possession of several prominent castle forts, including at Filakovo, Bratislava and here at Bojnice.

There are bullet-holes at Bojnice up close.  See Slovakia Road Ways  From what conflict?  The country takes great pains to demonstrate the safety of travel there, and we saw no problems.  See  Answer? The site notes that there was a period of Russian incursion after WWII.  A comment at identifies the Bojnice bullet holes as the result of Russian soldiers firing at it.

Despite renovations, centuries-old doors remain.

Inside Bojnice:   Opulence. 

In 1396, the Turkish Sultan defeated the Hungarians (this part of Slovakia was considered Northern Hungary's area), and Juras Leustach, then the Palatine, was toppled.  See  An entire room displays the oriental design.
The summer season features young people dramatizing a narrative from some part of the history of the castle.  We lucked out with a nineteenth century phase:  gliding ghosts, unrequited love, tragedy, longing, but were left with a real sense of the sadness in the real lives that lived it. See 2012 events at

The International Festival of Ghosts and Spirits:  a castle's owners' lives reenacted.

Teenagers acting, dancing, present tableaux to narration as the groups move through the castle.

And much fast food, slow cooked.

III.  The fragility of creativity

Can a culture accommodate creativity, and watch someone track thought to see where it goes, without censure.  Does it serve the common good for an authority to rule regardless, and without communication.

Slovakia has felt a heavy hand in the past.  Its creativity is now emerging in many ways.  In others, the old authoritarianism remains:  no photos in this supermarket!  Put that camera away!

What will happen in Slovakia, as part of the Euro Zone.  It needs the financial and economic support, but will its culture be subsumed.

Can authority do its work in a way that does not destroy. Will anyone take time to study the concepts before simply deleting, to correspond and allow change.  Are corporations to be more feared than government when it comes to speech restriction without accountability to those who mean no harm.

Dear Algo,

As part of the rithm of life and stewardship of blogger, we hope you enjoy our vacation pictures.  Do visit Slovakia.  There is much to see. And if anyone returns from your own travel with critical thoughts about our own culture and how it evolved, that is a good thing. Let the thoughts be heard. We look forward to yours. Just let us know first if there is something you do not like about ours. We will consider your views. And maybe even have an open mind to changing ours. Discourse. I trust that the concern of Christopher Maxwell, as the Weather Underground is sold to Weather Channel, see,  is not also happening with our beloved blogger.
Thx for listening.